Chat The Language Of Garden
& Master Work

Time Line: 3. 2017
Category: Service Design
Description: Masterwork - Chat The Language Of Garden, advised by Sandra Giegler
The aim of this thesis is to integrate learning the German language into local culture through Garden.
This Proposal stems from the problem of the international students come to Germany, learning German is the first tough task. International Students are still a lack of communicating with native after class, they prefer to speak their hometown language in the same community.
This thesis proposes a design solution that consists of garden community that belongs to language school as practice speaking class in Dessau, act as a gathering place for international students to meet native people, plan their own plants, sharing food and have fun in the garden on the weekend. The language skills related to the gardening and group work throughout the activities and media. The activities intend to student interact with native, The major component of this thesis is garden activities, which will be implemented into the development of the design solution.
What I learned:
After the thesis, I learned a lot through the process. I improved my communication Skill, Analyzing Skill,Design skill


Visual Design